Milijana Radovanović
Born: 8th July, 1974, Raška.
1993. Grammar school in Raška.
1998. Graduated at the Academy of Arts – Novi Sad, Department of Fine Arts, Module: Painting in the class of Professor J. Rakidžić.
1993–1998. Status of Independent artist
2000. Membership in The Association of Fine Artists of Vojvodina, Serbia
1998–2013. Professor of Fine Arts in elementary schools in the Kula and Vrbas municipality.
2014. Librarian in the National library `Danilo Kiš` in Vrbas.
Home and studio: Petefi brigade 19, 21460 Vrbas
Phone: 0648351056
Solo exibitions:
-1998. Kula, Cultural Centre
-1998. Vrbas, Gallery of the Cultural Centre of Vrbas
-2000. Sombor, Cultural Centre `Laza Kostić`
-2001. Novi Sad, Gallery of ULUV
-2001. Vrbas, City pub, Narodnog fronta Street
-2001. Ruma, Homeland Museum
-2001. Pančevo, Gallery `Madam`
-2002. Vrbas, Gallery of the Cultural Centre of Vrbas
-2002. Budva, Private Gallery
-2002. Beograd, Gallery, Čika Ljubina Street
-2002. Novi Sad, Gallery `Most`
-2006. Beograd, Gallery of the House of the Serbian Army
-2010. Rumenka, City Library
-2014. Novi Sad, City Library
-2015. Vrbas, Cinema `Jugoslavija`
-2018. Beograd, National Theater Club
-2018. Vrbas, Gallery of ULUV
-2018. Kragujevac, City Library
-2019. Bačka Palanka, Cultural Centre
-2019. Vrbas, Gallery of the Cultural Centre of Vrbas
-2019. Novi Sad , Cultural Centre of Novi Sad, `Youth forum`
Group exibitions:
-1995. Vrbas, Salon
-1996. Novi Sad `Rupa`
-1996. Beograd, Club of the House of the Serbian Army
-1996. Novi Sad, Gallery `Hol` of Academy of Arts
-1996. Novi Sad, SPENS
-1997. Biennial of student drawings, Open University Belgrade
-1997. Novi Sad, Salon
-1997. Beograd, Art Pavilion `Cvijeta Zuzorić`, Biennial of YU drawings
-1997. Novi Sad, INFANT, Installation `Homage of Brancusi`, a memorial to Hatshepsut
-1997. Gornji Milanovac, Miniatures
-1998. Vrbas, the Exhibition of students and professors of the grammar school
-2000. Novi Sad, Membership of The Association of Fine Artists of Vojvodina, Serbia
-2000. Beograd, Cultural Centre
-2000. Vrbas, Autumn art salon
-2000. Vrbas, `Youth palette` of Youth Poetry Festival
-2001. Vrbas, Autumn art salon
-2001. Beograd, Knez Mihailova Street, Gallery of ULUS
-2001–2019. Vrbas, Art salon
-2010. Rumenka, Library
-2010. Novi Sad, Collective exhibition
-2018. Kula, Cultural Centre
Art colonies and humanitarian responses:
Vlasina,1996; Plandište,1996; Pale,1997; Vukovar, 1997; Ruski Krstur, 1997; Sremska Kamenica, 1998; Sombor, 1998; Mali Stapar, 2000. i 2001; Zvečan, 2002; Borojevo, (Serbian Cultural Center, 2013); Sombor, 1998, 2000, 2001. i 2017; Stoliv, 2001… Baja, Hungary, Beli Kamen, Rajac, Avala… Selling paintings for children with cancer, for neglected children and the elderly people.
2001. Vrbas, Award for painting at the Autumn art salon
2019. Vrbas, Award for painting at the Autumn art salon